Puppet show: Behind the scenes of Silver house

year:           2024
place:          Jihlava, Czech Republic
collaboration:  The Jihlava Architecture Manual (JAM) 

The townhouses in Jihlava have undergone extensive historical and cultural transformations, from reconstructions to changes of use. Looking at their facades, we cannot fully describe what jewels they hide inside. Originally a generous building for a single owner, it had been adapted for rental housing for several families through the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods. Silver House No. 21 tells different stories and surprises with its secrets. 

A puppet show was held in the Red Salon of the Silver House with an aim to create new stories and experiences associated with this historic building. Together with the children and people passing by we think on the possible stories that could have taken place there and the characters that could have inhabited that mysterious place. 

The aim was to use puppet theatre to explore the architecture and creative writing to connect with the space. A model of the same space is created to discover the space. The fictional characters and additional scenography are made in collaboration with children to support the fairytale which was written during the show.