Festival Waiting for a Change

year:           2022
place:          Prague
collaboration:  Eliška Malková, Lynda Zein, Meteorological Primary School

The festival was researching the southern border of Prague, the periphery that is on the verge of a dramatic urban change. The long-awaited and planned construction of the Metro D will undoubtedly be a benefit for the place. It will bring the periphery closer to the centre and increase the accessibility of the southern parts. With improved transport links and reduced time and distance, development projects are already growing rapidly in parallel.

But what kind of transformation would occur if we let the youngest generation dream about urban change? What kind of creatures would live in the city and what would happen to the city? During a three-day creative workshop, students from the Meteorological Primary School proposed alternative stories for the expected change of their city. The main stage was designed for the festival for social events. During the festival, together with the curators Eliška Malková and Lynda Zein we organized an exhbition of children’s work which was created during our workshop.

copyright to  ©Libor Galia