Beautiful Rose
Year: 2022
Location: Prague
collaboration: Jasmina Lustigová, Aya Mrkvičková, Zora Uhlíková, Justyna Kluz, Agata Costa
Year: 2022
Location: Prague
collaboration: Jasmina Lustigová, Aya Mrkvičková, Zora Uhlíková, Justyna Kluz, Agata Costa
Krásná růže (Beautiful Rose) is a short story that arose during the workshop, which took place at different urban gardens in Prague in the summer of 2022. The children who took part in the workshop wrote the story themselves and, together with teachers, directed a live production of the text. The workshop aimed to explore the theme of gardening in the city, trying to understand the importance of gardens in the city and our relationship to them. Through a field trip to the community garden Metrofarm, to the center for the Arts and Ecology Kafkárna, we re-thought about their ecosystems and experienced our feelings towards gardens.

Once upon a time there was a beautiful garden and a beautiful red rose in it.
The gardener was taking care of rose every day with the help of the sky and the sun.
The gardener was talking to her every day.
The rose grew progressively taller.